These projects are based on the National program to establish Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the
boilers, pressure vessels, and HVAC systems in accordance with BMP NCL 2023-2024 and CLC requirements.
The SOP's are to be reviewed and updated at least every five years, after major modifications to the systems, or
substantial changes to federal regulations and policies or to applicable provincial/territorial legislation. The
objective is to develop and maintain SOPs that detail requirements and procedures for operation, inspection,
testing, cleaning, maintenance and calibration of mechanical systems (including individual equipment and
sensors). The revision of the SOP must capture all related HVAC systems, boilers and pressure vessels. This
includes all regulated equipment that are being inspected by Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), including but
not limited to pressure tanks, compressor tanks, and expansion tanks.
The Consultant shall not blindly copy paste information from the previous HVAC SOP. The Consultant must
perform the necessary site visits, investigate existing systems/equipment, review documentation available and
interview on-site maintenance personnel in order to accurately report the information in the HVAC SOP. The
Consultant shall revise (or create as necessary) systems schematics, description, sequences of operation,
equipment tables/sheets/pictures, etc within the report. Any image quality or formatting issue within the document
shall be addressed by the Consultant. Consultant to request to BGIS PM previous projects information that apply
to this scope in order to include in the SOP's.
Consultant to provide a final Microsoft Word (fully editable file with schematics and tables) document along with a
PDF file. In addition, Consultant shall provide a blank template for future amendments to the document.
Consultant to provide two (2) hard copies in binders.