Respondents are advised that there will be an Optional site visit to be held on the date and times specified within the item 1.4.1 of the RFQ. A maximum of 2 representatives of each Respondent, or its authorized representatives, are permitted to attend the Optional site visit. Attendees will meet the BGIS representative at the Sparks Street security desk of 284 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario. Respondents are advised that they must preregister via email, and on behalf of their authorized representatives including sub-consultants/sub-contractors, to the procurement specialist named in this RFQ by the deadline specified within item 1.4.1 of the RFQ to be authorized to access the site. Failure to register may result in the Respondents representative being refused access to the site. Respondents will be notified by Addenda of any changes to the date of the site visit. Bidders cannot use a representative from another Respondent as its authorized representative to attend the site visit.