Site visit instructions.
This is a mandatory site visit, the failure of any Respondent to attend, properly register, and remain present for the duration will result in that Respondent’s Quotation being disqualified or rejected, in BGIS’s sole discretion. Respondents cannot use a representative from another Respondent as its representative to attend the site visit.
Date: April 1, 2025
Day: Tuesday
Time (ET): 8:00 am – 11:00 am EST
Address: 700 Montreal Rd, Ottawa, K1A 0P7
Contact Person: Hubert Deschambault
Contact Number: 819-593-5094
Site Instructions: Suppliers will need to park at the contractor parking and register at the guard office accessible by the loading dock in front of the contractor parking.
Additional Instructions:The individuals representing the supplier would need to wear hard hat and steel toe boots. Only up to 2 authorized representatives, will be permitted to attend the site visit. Provide name of representatives attending the site visit, company name and mobile number no later than 2 business days before the scheduled visit.
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