Work includes, but is not limited to, the following:
GOC3158959 – Interior Painting Refresh
The scope of work for this project is to refresh paint throughout the entire interior, drywall, vinyl board, paint on internal staircase handrail of office -B23 located in basement and handrail in all elevator lobbies, doors and frames for occupant offices. The building is a 4-storey construction, including the basement, interconnected by three staircases on the north, the south side and central. The scope does not include electrical rooms in all the floors, training room in basement, washroom with wall tiles, and PVC frames. This project expands from the basement to the roof, including all the floors.
GOC375288 – Stairwell Refresh
The building is a 4-storey construction, including the basement, interconnected by three staircases on the north, the south side and central. The scope of work for this project is to replace the existing rubber stair well treads. The replacement is required due to apparent failure which is posing a tripping hazard. Stairs and landing surfaces are worn from the years of use and are due for replacement. Stairwell handrails are currently painted/color coded for emergency procedures. Paint is required to be stripped from the handrails to its original finish. One stairwell wall is to be painted/color coded to align with emergency protocols. All three staircases will require renovation as per the scope defined above.